Professionals' testimonials
From senior scientific & clinical staff around the world
- “This is absolutely brilliant. I will use this with interest, and moreover, distribute this to the people in my lab.” (Principal Investigator, Center for Molecular Medicine, University of Utrecht, Netherlands)
- “Exactly at the right time! I shall have them made available through the ESHG website.”
(Professor, Maastricht University, Netherlands and Chair of the Education Committee of the European Society of Human Genetics (ESHG))
- “Looks great” (Professor, University College London and Great Ormond Street Hospital)
- “This is great. Excellent !!” (Professor and Laboratory Group Leader, Pasteur Institute, Paris)
- “The app looks great and will be very helpful for people who are not familiar with the latest terms.” (Consultant, Copenhagen University Hospital)
- "Looks great" (Consultant in Paediatric Endocrinology, MRC Centre for Reproductive Health, Edinburgh)
- “Wonderful” (Professor of Paediatrics and Coordinator of European FP7 Project, University of Lubeck, Germany)
- "Timing is perfect …. Will alert students to this resource.” (Professor of Human Genome Epidemiology, University of Ottawa, Canada)
- “A great App” (Professor, University of Ghent, Belgium)
- “Good trying to score max on the quiz! :) ” (Group leader, Pasteur Institute, Paris)
- “Very useful; concise; easy to use; appropriate content” (University Lecturer, Johannesburg, South Africa).
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